Luigi Ferraro is a postdoc at Texas Tech University, working with Lars Christensen. He received his PhD from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in 2017 under the supervision of Luchezar Avramov and Srikanth Iyengar. His research in commutative algebra has focused on the structure of the stable cohomology of a local ring, on the Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity of graded modules, on the rigidity of Ext and Tor, on the intersection theorems, on grade 3 perfect ideals and on the homotopy Lie algebra of local rings. His research in noncommutative algebra has focused on studying actions of groups and, more generally, actions of Hopf algebras on noncommutative rings and on the study of the homological properties of quotients of skew polyomial rings. As a teacher, Luigi has taught many classes at the undergraduate level, and the first year graduate course of Algebra. His teaching style is to emphasize critical thinking by engaging the students with activities, giving in-class problem sets to work on in groups, and encouraging the students to meet him outside of class in office hours.