Trevor Arrigoni is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Kansas, working with Daniel J. Hernández. Trevor's research involves measuring the behavior of singularities using Frobenius. In particular, he is interested in using ideas from integer programming, convex geometry, and number theory to develop explicit algorithms to compute the F-pure Threshold and Higher F-Thresholds of hypersurfaces. He aims to use his research to better understand the properties of these invariants. In the classroom, Trevor has taken on various roles, ranging from a teaching assistant to even designing his own calculus courses. As an educator, he believes that investing time in the small things goes a long way. In particular, he believes that building trust and rapport with his students is a powerful, yet simple, pedagogical tool. Because of this, Trevor is committed to creating a safe, welcoming environment which contributes to an enriched and fulfilling educational experience.