Eloísa Grifo | Conferences and Seminars organized
What I am currently organizing
I organize the Commutative and Homological Algebra Market Presentations (CHAMP) seminar , which I started with Keri Sather-Wagstaff . CHAMPS is a virtual seminar showcasing the work of graduate students and early career researchers in Commutative Algebra who are on the job market.
Mark Walker and I organize the
UNL Commutative Algebra Seminar .
Jack Jeffries , Luis Núñez Betancourt ,
Alexandra Seceleanu and I are organizing an International REU in Commutative Algebra in Summer 2025.
In the academic year 2022-2023, I was co-chair of the organizing committee for the Nebraska Conference for Undergraduate Women in Math .
Jack Jeffries and I organized a professional development workshop (Summer CAMP) aimed at early-career commutative algebraists at UNL on August 8-10, 2023. A new edition of this workshop will be held in Summer 2025.
Past conferences and seminars organized
October 2023: Tom Marley and I organized a Special Session on Commutative Algebra at the AMS Sectional Meeting in Omaha .
October, 2022: Adam Boocher , Jenny Kenkel and I organized a special session on commutative algebra in the Utah AMS Sectional Meeting.
March, 2022: Keri Sather-Wagstaff and I are organized a special session on commutative algebra at the AMS Spring Southeastern Sectional Meeting in Charlottesville, Virginia, on March 11-13, 2022. Unfortunately, the meeting was canceled.
January, 2022: Keri Sather-Wagstaff , Janet Vassilev , and I are organized a special session on commutative algebra at the Joint Math Meetings, which was moved to April 2022 as an online conference.
Alessandra Costantini and I ran the UCR Commutative Algebra Seminar during the academic year of 2020/2021.
Alessandra Costantini and I organized a virtual Special Session titled Women in Commutative Algebra - One hundred years of Idealtheorie in Ringbereichen , at the San Francisco State Virtual AMS Sectional Meeting in May 2021.
Keri Sather-Wagstaff and I organized a special session on commutative algebra at the AMS Sectional Meeting at UVa . Unfortunately, the meeting got canceled due to coronavirus concerns, but we hosted a zoom session on March 21 and 22, 2020. Click here for more information, including videos of some of the talks.
In the academic year 2018 — 2019, I co-organized the University of Michigan Commutative Algebra seminar with Mel Hochster .
March 2019: Patricia Klein and I organized an AMS Special Session on developments in Commutative Algebra in Auburn, AL.
Before I moved to the US, I co-organized Seminário Diagonal , an undergraduate math student seminar at Instituto Superior Técnico .
email: grifo@unl.edu | Office: 339 Avery Hall