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Eloísa Grifo | Research


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My research interests lie in commutative algebra and homological algebra. I am interested in applying homological algebra, characteristic p techniques, and p-derivations to different problems in commutative algebra. I have worked on questions that relate to (infinite) free resolutions, DG algebras, thick subcategories of \(D(R)\), cohomological support varieties, local cohomology, and symbolic powers. Here is a general math audience article article I wrote about symbolic powers, and here are lecture notes I am writing on symbolic powers (reader beware: these are under construction!). I wrote my PhD thesis under the supervision of Craig Huneke, on the containment problem for symbolic and ordinary powers of ideals over regular rings.


Talks and notes

Here are my notes on symbolic powers, and other notes, videos, and slides from talks I have given.
virtual talk about symbolic powers


I often use Macaulay2 in my research, and I have contributed to a few Macaulay2 packages, some of which you can find on my GitHub page.

  • SpectralSequences
    (developed with David Berlekamp, Adam Boocher, Nathan Grieve, Gregory G. Smith, and Thanh Vu)
    This package comes with Macaulay2 version ≥ 1.10.
    1. This is a Macaulay2 package that provides tools for effective computation of the pages and differentials in spectral sequences obtained from many kinds of filtered chain complexes.

  • SymbolicPowers
    (with contributions from Ben Drabkin, Alexandra Seceleanu, and Branden Stone)
    Version 2.0 comes with Macaulay2 version \(\geqslant\) 1.14.
      This is a Macaulay2 package that provides tools for computing symbolic powers.

  • ThickSubcategories
    (with Janina Letz and Josh Pollitz)
    Under construction; use with caution.
      This is a Macaulay2 package that provides tools for computations related to thick subcategories of D(R); for example, it computes (or gives bounds for) levels of modules and complexes, and produces modules that are non-proxy small over non-ci quotients of polynomial rings.

  • My research is supported by

    NSF grant DMS-2140355
    NSF CAREER grant DMS-2236983.

    email: grifo@unl.edu   |   Office: 339 Avery Hall